In general, you must be 14 years old before someone can hire you to work for them in California.
Archive | My Work
What can I do to start working?
Obtain a work permit. Continue Reading →
At what age do I need to get a work permit?
Youth under 18 years old are required to obtain a work permit before starting a job. Continue Reading →
Does a work permit require school attendance?
Yes. Minors under the age of 18 must attend school in order to get a work permit. Continue Reading →
What should I do once I have a work permit?
Congratulations! Now that you have a work permit, you can go ahead and start looking for jobs! Continue Reading →
Can I still get a job if I am pregnant?
Yes! The same age rules and work permit requirements described above apply, whether you’re pregnant or not. Continue Reading →
Now that I am eligible to work, how can I find jobs in my area?
Searching for a job might seem like an overwhelming process, but help is out there! There are many employment centers and services that can help you both find and secure employment.
What is the Regional Occupational Program (ROP)?
ROP services, which are provided at many high schools across Los Angeles County, can help you learn a job skill, get work experience and on-the-job training, earn high school credits, and prepare for career training.
How else can I learn about job openings and/or oportunities in my area?
Another way you can learn about job openings and/or opportunities is by contacting your CSW or TC for current job updates.
Who do you call if you have a complaint or need help?
First, remember that you are not alone. There are people and agencies that want to help you. Continue Reading →