What housing options are available after I turn 18?

Under AB 12, you can continue to stay with your current caregiver or live in another foster home.

If you are living in a group home, you can stay there until you turn 19 or finish high school, whichever comes first.  After that, you’ll need to move into a different type of housing.

Below, you’ll find more information about all the additional housing options available to you once you turn 18:

Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP):  In a SILP, your case is open under AB12, but you can live in a college dorm, rent a room from a friend or family member, or get your own apartment.  Youth living in SILPs receive their foster care payments directly and use the money to pay for rent and living expenses on their own.  In 2014, the basic foster care/SILP payment was $838.   The rate is recalculated each year.  If you are parenting, you can get an infant supplement for your baby, and even more money if you create a Parenting Support Plan!

In order to live in a SILP, your CSW has to decide that you are ready to live in a SILP and the place you want to live must pass the county’s health and safety inspection.  Talk to your CSW if you are interested in learning more about living in a SILP.  To find out more about SILP, click here.

If you disagree with your readiness assessment or SILP inspection, you have the right to request reconsideration.  You can ask your CSW how to appeal the decision, or talk to your attorney so they can bring the situation to the court’s attention.

Transitional Housing Programs: Transitional housing is usually an apartment that you share with another foster youth or former foster youth. Transitional housing programs help you learn how to live on your own and how to save money and stick to a budget.  Many also have programs to help you learn how to live on your own.  Some transitional housing programs are for youth with open cases, and others are for folks with closed cases.

1. THPP: This program is actually available before you turn 18.  It’s transitional housing for youth ages 16-18 with open cases.  If you are in LA County, check out this fact sheet for more information.

2. THP+FC: This is transitional housing for youth ages 18-21, with open cases under AB12.  You can get more information and see a list of THP+FC providers in your area by checking out www.thpplus.org.

3. THP: This is transitional housing for youth with closed cases up to age 21. and  You can find out more information about THP in LA County at http://www.ilponline.org/housing/THP.html

4. THP-Plus: This is transitional housing for young adults with closed cases, up to age 25.  Find out more about THP Plus programs at at www.thpplus.org.

Transitional Housing Requirements: For THP+FC, you will need to fulfill one of AB12’s five eligibility requirements.  In THP or THP-Plus, you are generally required to have some employment, although each program differs. This is so you can pay rent.  Each program has a time limit: usually 18-24 months.  A new law (SB 1252) lets THP-Plus extend to 36 months as long as you are enrolled in school, even if you turn 25 during that time.

How to apply for transitional housing: Depending on the program, you can self-refer or be referred by DCFS or a community partner.   If your case is open, contact your CSW to find out which types of transitional housing you might be eligible for and how to apply!  If your case is already closed, contact a Transition Coordinator to help you understand your transitional housing options.  You can also call DCFS Transitional Housing Program at (213) 351-0190.   Click here for a sample Transitional Age Youth Housing Application.

Problems? If you think that you are eligible but encounter problems enrolling in transitional housing, call the Foster Youth Ombudsperson for L.A. County at (877) 694-5741 or for California at 877-846-1602.  If you still need help, click here to get help from Public Counsel.



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