What are some of the services I may be able to get through ILP?

Important Note: For any money you receive through ILP, you need to SAVE YOUR RECIEPTS so you can show how you spent the money they gave you If you do not save your receipts, you may not be able to get additional services from ILP in the future.

1)      Educational Assessments:

You can take an assessment called the WRAT IV that measures what areas you may need additional help in for school.

2)      Graduation Expenses:

Did you know that, as a high school senior, you can request ILP assistance to cover up to $700 of graduation expenses?  Graduation expenses include things like your cap and gown, graduation ceremony invitations, senior portraits, yearbook, class ring, prom, and grad night tickets.

All you need to do is fill out an application and have your school counselor certify that you will be graduating on time.. This is done with a signed letter from your high school counselor and the embossed school seal.  You must submit the letter to your CSW or Transition Coordinator (“TC”) to have ILP cover your graduation expenses.  If you have graduation expenses due before you receive your graduation funding from ILP, you will have to pay for your graduation expenses and later get reimbursed.  Be sure to save your receipts!

If you have expenses near the beginning of the school year (like your yearbook portrait fee) talk to your CSW or TC as soon as possible about getting this money.  Each request can take over a month to process, so it’s always smart to ask early!

3)      Celebration:

Celebration is a very fun event!  It is a graduation ceremony available only to foster youth participating in the ILP program who have a 2.8 GPA or higher.  Participating foster youth get free clothing, make-up and/or hair care, transportation to the event, dinner, and scholarships.  Youth also get the opportunity to see and maybe meet a famous celebrity or politician.  If you qualify for Celebration , ask your CSW or TC to make certain you get to attend—the deadline for applications is March of each year, and you don’t want to miss out!

4)      Driving Lessons:

ILP may be able to provide you up to $500 towards the cost of driving lessons!  To be eligible, you must be 18 years old or older, and meet the general eligibility guidelines (talk to your CSW or TC about this).  The funds may only be applied to the cost of behind-the-wheel training and DMV testing.  The funds may be available prior to taking the training—just ask!

California law requires that all drivers possess a valid and unexpired driver’s license.  But before you can get a driver’s license, you must know how to drive and be able to pass a written test.  Taking advantage of these ILP-sponsored driving lessons will bring you one step closer to earning your license.  These funds for driving lessons are intended to help you obtain a driver’s license so that you can travel to your college classes or get to your job.  Good luck!

5)      Car Insurance:

California law also requires that all drivers have car insurance.  Car insurance is intended to cover damages and injuries related to a car accident and, depending on your coverage, theft and vandalism.  ILP may be able to provide you with up to $2,000 for your own car insurance!  Car insurance is need-based, and is limited to the availability of funds.  Talk to your TC to learn more about these funds.   

Also talk to your caregiver about insurance.  In some cases, they can carry you on their car insurance until your 24th birthday as long as you are in school.

6)      Household Startup Funds:

If you participate in ILP, are at least 18 years old, and live in your own apartment or college dorm, you can receive a one-time payment of up to $300 for household startup items.  This money can be used to pay for things such as pots and pans, linens, kitchen utensils, or other items to help you later establish a household.  This money is NOT for youth who are in a Transitional Housing program.  Ask your ILP coordinator for more information!

7)      ILP Workshops:

ILP workshops can teach you how to open a bank account, manage your checkbook, prepare for an interview, find a place to live, buy a car, and much more.  The workshops are provided throughout Los Angeles County at participating community colleges.  An added bonus: you will receive $100 upon completion of these five-week Life Skills Training classes.

8)      Money for:

  • Exam Fees (like the SAT)
  • Tuition for college or a trade school (See page 14 for more details).
  • Costs associated with attending information sessions or college tours
  • Books and supplies for school
  • Bus passes
  • Nice clothes for a job interview, a uniform for a job, or clothes for school
  • Employment or vocational related tools or dues
  • A computer and computer training

NOTE: To get this money, you must have a current TILP. Also, all the money amounts listed for ILP-related services and stipends are approximate, as these amounts may change from year to year depending on availability of funding.  Remember: SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS.